
BSSR AGM & Members’ Meeting 2024

About This Event

“On behalf of British Society of Skeletal Radiologists, we take great pleasure in inviting you to the BSSR AGM & Members’ Meeting 2024 at Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA on Friday 15th November 2024.”

Organiser: Dr. Sujit Vaidya

This meeting is only open to members of the BSSR.

There will be no onsite registrations available


  • 09:45 Arrival and coffee
  • 10:15 AGM and business meeting
  • 11:00 Members cases
  • 11:30 Coffee
  • 12:00 Guest Speaker - Dr Monique Reijnierse from Leiden. "Early Detection of Peripheral Inflammatory Arthritis"
  • 13:00 Lunch
  • 13:45 Guest Speakers- Mr Andy Williams and Dr Justin Lee. "Life, laughs, and learning- 25 years of Premiership Sport’s Surgery and Radiology"
  • 14:45 Coffee break
  • 15:00 Members Cases/presentations
  • 17:00 Close

Registrations close on Sunday 27th October 2024

Additional Information

17th July 2024

British Society of Skeletal Radiologists

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