
BSSR Grand Rounds - Hip Pain

About This Event

"Further the practice of skeletal radiology - to exchange scientific information through discussion of cases" in keeping with this ethos of BSSR, as an elected BSSR council member, Dr Priya Suresh, on behalf of the executive team, has the pleasure of introducing the “The BSSR Grand Rounds”.

The BSSR Grand Rounds comprise 1-hour virtual meetings with interesting case presentations and detailed discussions. The case presentations will be delivered by fellow/senior trainees followed by detailed discussions delivered by the Consultants.

We would like to invite you to the inaugural session on " HIP PAIN"


  • Dr Richard Whitehouse: ex BSSR President
  • Dr Sameer Shamshuddin: Consultant MSK / Dr Kapil Shirodkar: Global MSK fellow

Organisers - Dr Priya Suresh and Dr Mostafa Ellatif

17th July 2024

British Society of Skeletal Radiologists

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