BSSR Grand Rounds - Neck Pain

25th January 2024

Grand Rounds - Neck Pain

"Further the practice of skeletal radiology - to exchange scientific information through discussion of cases", in keeping with this ethos of BSSR, as an elected BSSR council member, Dr Priya Suresh, on behalf of the executive team, has the pleasure of introducing the “The BSSR Grand Rounds”.

The BSSR Grand Rounds comprise 1-hour virtual meetings with interesting case presentations and detailed discussions.

This session has spinal imaging experts from BSSR and BSNR discussing and presenting cases on “Neck Pain”.


  • Dr. Jay Patel - Consultant Neuroradiologist, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Patel completed his clinical radiology training at the Northwest School of Radiology including subspecialist fellowship training in diagnostic neuroradiology at The Walton Centre, Liverpool. Dr Patel has a keen interest in medical education. He held a clinical lectureship post at the Northwest School of Radiology during his final year of training and has taught locally, regionally and nationally on a number of courses/conferences.
  • Dr. Alun Davies - University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust. BSSR Grand Rounds

Meeting Organiser:

Dr Priya Suresh - Consultant MSK Radiologist in University Hospitals NHS Trust. Council member BSSR, Medical Director of Education and Training RCR.

13th February 2025

British Society of Skeletal Radiologists

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